Block scope Vs Global scope var, let, const !!!
Table of contents
const a = 1;
let b = 2;
var c = 3;
const a = 10
let b = 20
var c = 30
console.log('Inside Block value of a = ' ,a )
console.log('Inside Block value of b = ' ,b )
console.log('Inside block value of c = ' ,c )
console.log('Outside Block value of a = ' ,a )
console.log('Outside Block value of b = ' ,b )
console.log('Outside block value of c = ' ,c )
Inside Block value of a = 10
Inside Block value of b = 20
Inside block value of c = 30
Outside Block value of a = 1
Outside Block value of b = 2
Outside block value of c = 30
Why did value of a and b are unchanged outside the block??
The answer is let and const are block scope.
When Execution is in Line no. 1
var c is allocated memory in Global Scope whereas a and b are allocated memory in different scope.
When Execution reached to Line no.6
Values of variables are assigned but, a new scope can been seen, Block Scope where again a and b are allocated memory.
When Execution reached to line no. 9
Variables values are assigned in block scope and we can notice Script scoped a and b is not changed but global scoped variable c is changed to 30.
When Execution reached to Line no. 13 outside if block
Work of block scope is done and variable a and b values remains unchanged whereas value of c is changed.